Are you planning some unforgettable trips for the upcoming year? Wonderful! With YouMap, you can schedule your whole travel bucket list and visualize your trips to build up excitement and ensure that everything goes according to plan. But before that, you need to know where you’re going, right? That’s why, in this article, we will show you the most popular places on other travelers’ bucket lists and explain how to make your own list in YouMap. Read on to find out more!

The Top Bucket List Destinations in North and South America

Before we explain how to create a travel bucket list, let’s stop for a while and discuss which destinations you could include in it, starting from the Americas. What are the top bucket list destinations on these continents?

Route 66

Traveling the whole of Route 66 will take you at least two weeks (we recommend four weeks minimum to have time to sightsee and enjoy your trip), but it’s really worth it, making it a top US bucket list destination. What places should you include when planning your road trip?

  • Muffler Man Statue in Cicero,
  • The Cadillac Ranch art piece,
  • Wigwam Motel in San Bernardino.

Machu Picchu

When it comes to the top, most popular bucket list destinations in South America, Machu Picchu is an uncontested winner. What’s so great about it?

  • The ruins are magnificent.
  • You can embark on a 3-night hike to the ancient city.

Waikiki, Hawaii

Finally, let’s return to the US bucket list destinations and discuss Waikiki, Hawaii. This famous location is perfect if you want to slow down and enjoy sunbathing at the beach rather than sightseeing, hiking, or driving from one place to another. What do we recommend there?

  • Enjoy the beaches.
  • Take surfing lessons.
  • Try traditional Hawaiian cuisine!

bucket list destinations

The Top Bucket List Destinations in Europe

Looking for the top places to visit in Europe? Perfect – let’s see what are the most popular bucket list travel destinations on this continent!


We won’t surprise you with this one – Iceland fully deserves a high place on the ranking of top bucket list destinations. However, if you want to visit the northern coast, do it only in the summer, as it might get too cold to enjoy the landscapes in fall or winter; the southern coast is fine all year long. What should you do there?

  • Embark on a road trip and admire the landscapes.
  • Go whale watching.
  • Consider hiking on a:
    • glacier,
    • volcano.

Krakow, Poland

Krakow has one of the most well-known historic sites in Poland, so it should not surprise you that it’s one of the top choices on people’s bucket lists. It’s a beautiful city with many attractions, including:

  • one of the biggest medieval market squares in Europe,
  • the Jewish District (the highest concentration of synagogues in Europe),
  • Wieliczka Salt Mine.

Cannes, France

If you dream of some luxury on your vacation, you should add Cannes, France, to your bucket list. This city is mostly famous for the Cannes Film Festival, but believe us – it has much more to offer. What to do and see there?

  • Embark on a cruise on a private boat.
  • Visit luxury boutiques.
  • Stroll the streets and admire the charming architecture.

The Top Bucket List Destinations in Asia

We’re almost there – Asia is the last continent before we explain how to make a bucket list using YouMap. What places should you visit here?


Whether you’re a fan of anime, love the Japanese work ethic, or simply admire their culture and architecture, you should absolutely add Japan to your Asian bucket list. What’s worth seeing in this beautiful country?

  • Tokyo:
    • try street karting,
    • climb the Tokyo Tower,
    • visit local animal cafes.
  • Kyoto:
    • wander through the iconic bamboo forests,
    • go geisha spotting,
    • try a local ramen cooking class.

The Great Wall, China

The Great Wall of China is probably the most recognizable landmark in all of Asia. Hence, it shouldn’t surprise you that it’s a destination on many people’s bucket list. How to tour it?

  • You can go on a regular tour.
  • Visit the Ming Tombs on your way.
  • Go on a Dragon Trip – a tour of The Great Wall, which includes camping overnight.

Bangkok, Thailand

Finally, if you want to see the more exotic side of Asia, you should embark on a trip to Thailand. Bangkok, the capital of this country, offers you a plethora of new experiences. What to do and see there?

  • Go temple hopping – visit the local temples.
  • Shop at the Chatuchak Weekend Market (also known as JJ Market).
  • Stroll the busy streets of Chinatown.

How to Create a Travel Bucket List with YouMap?

Let’s start with the basics: how to make a travel bucket list using our map? For that, you need two things: a device with iOS (iPhone, iPad, MacBook) and a list of your destinations.

No matter whether you plan to visit one of the top summer vacation destinations or cozy winter getaways, you need to specify what attractions you wish to see in each of these places. To do so, you can do your research online or check the maps in YouMap prepared by other users who visited the particular destination. When you have the list of attractions ready, you can build your travel destination bucket list.

How to create such a travel destination bucket list? The best idea is to make your own map! Mark all the attractions on it and see the result – a visualization of your plans. You can use the end-map as a starting point for your scheduling when you finally visit a particular destination.

Travel Bucket List

Why Making a Travel Bucket List in YouMap Is a Great Idea?

Right now, you know how to handle creating a bucket list in our app, right? But do you know why it’s an excellent option? There are quite a few reasons for that, which you can see below:

  • Customization feature – Our app enables you to add all the details about your future trips that you need and want – nothing less and nothing more. This way, you can avoid scrolling through vast amounts of unnecessary information when planning your trip – it’s all effortless.
  • Joint trip planning – You can quickly turn your YouMap travel bucket list into a trip planning tool – and you can do it together with your friends and family! The maps are interactive, so you can invite whoever you want to collaborate with you and plan the vacations of your life. It’s literally one of the best ways to get your group trip planned – you have all the attractions chosen by each of your friends marked on one map, so it’s extremely easy to select the ones that you will visit and build up your travel itinerary.
  • Community feedback – You can also post your map for other YouMap users to view. This way, you can gather feedback and reviews of the attractions that you want to visit and perhaps even get some tips or suggestions from fellow travelers. If you’re lucky enough, your map may be visited by locals, who might suggest even better places to visit that you wouldn’t learn about otherwise.

The Takeaway

You know how to make a bucket list of your travel destinations in YouMap, and you saw the most popular destinations on three different continents, so… get to work! With all the features designed for trip planning, your journey is bound to be a success.

Do you want to record your adventure? You can also use YouMap for this – read our article on telling stories with maps to find out how to do it.