Nevada’s Extraterrestrial Highway, a remote stretch of road officially known as State Route 375, has become a pilgrimage site for UFO enthusiasts, adventurers, and those intrigued by the unknown. Spanning approximately 98 miles, this highway offers more than just a drive through the desert—it’s a journey through the bizarre, the mysterious, and the otherworldly. Let’s explore this intriguing trip together!

What Is the Extraterrestrial Highway?

The Extraterrestrial Highway is a road in Nevada. Yet, it’s no ordinary road—it goes right next to Area 51, the military base that hides many secrets, possibly those about UFOs as well. As such, it comes with many attractions specifically for extraterrestrial life enthusiasts.

Due to the numerous UFO sighting stories and the aforementioned attractions, the Extraterrestrial Highway has become a popular destination for road trips, and we’re not surprised—it really has a lot to offer.

extraterrestrial highway map

The Best Attractions for Your Road Trip on the Extraterrestrial Highway, NYT

Are you planning to go on an Extraterrestrial Highway road trip? Then you’re keen to hear which attractions on the way are the most interesting! If so, take a look at our list below.

Alien Research Center

Located near the southern entrance of the highway, the Alien Research Center is impossible to miss, thanks to its enormous metallic alien statue that greets visitors. Despite its name, this center is more of a quirky gift shop than a research facility. Inside, you’ll find a wide array of UFO-themed merchandise, from books and apparel to alien sculptures.

The aforementioned statue is the most iconic attraction on the whole Extraterrestrial Highway Road Trip—remember to take a photo with it!

The Black Mailbox

Once known as a mysterious dropbox for UFOs, the Black Mailbox is now a legendary stop along the highway. Originally belonging to a local rancher, the mailbox has become a popular gathering spot for those hoping to catch a glimpse of something unexplainable in the sky. It’s a great place to meet new UFO enthusiasts!

Area 51

No, you can’t visit Area 51 itself. However, along the Extraterrestrial Highway, there are some great viewpoints from which to observe it.

For instance, you should absolutely stop at Tikaboo Peak, which gives you a great view of the base. Don’t even think about coming closer, though—it’s strictly forbidden to trespass, and the base is heavily guarded!

How to Plan Your Extraterrestrial Highway Road Trip with YouMap?

If you want to go on a road trip along the Extraterrestrial Highway, the best way to prepare is to make a detailed map of the attractions you want to visit. For this, you can use our social mapping app—YouMap!

Our application will be perfect both for planning solo road trips and group trips with friends, as it has a collaborative mode. All you have to do is mark the locations you’re interested in seeing on the map and add any extra notes that will help you. Voila, you’ve mapped out your Extraterrestrial Highway road trip plan!

🗺️Download YouMap for iOS🗺️

The Takeaway

An Extraterrestrial Highway road trip is a great way to spend your summer vacation or simply embark on your search for the UFO. Yet, you have to remember that most of its course is heavily stranded. Therefore, prepare yourself in advance: take a good amount of water, pack up clothes for both warm and cold weather, and don’t forget to have a spare wheel, along with all the equipment you’ll need to change it—you never know what will happen on your way!

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