While going on vacation with family or friends is great fun, planning a group trip might get tricky. You need to decide on the dates that will suit everybody, choose a destination that everyone will like and many more. However, you don’t have to worry anymore. In this article, we will tell you how to plan a group trip efficiently. Interested? Read on!

How to plan a vacation for a larger group of people?

While there might be different issues to solve depending on who you are going with, there are some tips that can help you. Here is our advice on how to plan a group travel:

  • Agree on the dates first – When wondering how to plan a trip with friends, the first doubt that appears in your mind is whether you will be able to gather everybody at the same time. This is why the first step of planning a group travel is to agree on the date. Do it in advance to ensure that everybody will be available.
  • Select the destination – Another aspect that might be tricky is choosing the destination. Some people in your group might prefer hiking, while others would rather sunbathe on a beach. Therefore, it is important to gather all group travel ideas and then select a compromise.
  • Start booking – After deciding on the dates and destination, you need to start booking. Agree with your friends or family on the type of transport and the accommodation you want to stay in. Brainstorming might be a good idea here – let everybody propose some hotels and then decide together on the best option.
  • Plan your activities – Planning a group vacation requires a good idea of what you will be doing after arrival. Otherwise, arguments might break out since people will want to participate in different activities or in different order. Thus, it is best to create a plan beforehand. However, remember that it does not have to be a strict schedule – you want to leave your group some time to explore and take part in activities that they will find onsite. Try planning the trip according to the principles of slow travel – this way, you and your friends will have enough time to check out everything.

how to plan a group trip

How to plan a group trip – useful tools

Planning a trip with a large group might require you to use some additional resources. These might include:

  • Guidebooks – These are the most common sources of knowledge about foreign places. Getting a guidebook and distributing it in your group, asking them to choose what each person wants to see, might help you prepare a smooth, effective plan.
  • Social Mapping Apps – Applications such as YouMap will let your group discover what people like in the area. No matter whether you are planning a meal, or looking for tourist attractions, with social mapping apps, finding places to visit will be easier than ever.
  • Blogs and social media – There are many content creators that focus purely on traveling. If you follow some of them, you might check their channels for some inspiration. You can also try asking them how to plan a group trip with friends in a DM – they have more experience, so they might respond to you with some useful tips.

How to plan a group trip with friends – summary

Planning a trip with a large group requires you to agree on the date, make a compromise considering the destination and finally arrange the accommodation and pick the transportation mode. These steps might be achieved through brainstorming and using additional tools, such as guidebooks or social mapping apps. After proper planning, your group vacation is bound to be a success!

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