Tourism is far more than just exploring foreign locations – it’s a whole industry that makes many areas strive and helps local communities live a higher-quality life. This is why World Tourism Day bears extreme importance. But, do you know the origins of this holiday? Are you aware of its purpose? Finally, do you know how to celebrate it? We will answer all these questions in this article – feel invited to read on!

What and When Is World Tourism Day?

Whether you are planning a trip or living in a popular tourist destination, you are bound to have contact with the tourism industry directly – as a client or as a provider. The World Tourism Day is a holiday to celebrate it, with particular emphasis on the benefits that tourism comes with.

When is World Tourism Day? On 27th of September. It is then that the whole industry is put in the spotlight and discussions about the role of tourism are reignited.

What Is the Purpose of World Tourism Day?

The main scope of the World Tourism Day is to underline the importance of the whole industry. Starting with the number of jobs that it creates, ending on the financial impact on the world economy that it has – the role of tourism is often overlooked, but it has a major impact on different communities, and this holiday aims to spread knowledge about that.

Recently, the holiday is all about sustainable travel. With the rising impact of humanity on the natural environment and the irreversible changes to our planet, tourism is also affected, and the leading figures in the industry are actively looking for solutions to this problem.

world tourism day 2023

How to Celebrate World Tourism Day 2023?

Knowing how tourism affects the world, you may have the urge to celebrate the 2023 World Tourism Day. But, do you know how to do it? While traveling may be an option, many more events are worth taking into consideration for your celebrations. Let’s look into several possible options:

  • Participate in the celebrations included in your country’s World Tourism Day program – Every country organizes some official celebrations. Panels, discussions, award showcases and lectures – all of these are included. Choosing this kind of celebration is a great opportunity not only to show your appreciation for tourism but also to learn more about it. After all, do you really know how many jobs are created by tourism in your country? Can you point out the most prosperous tourist destinations within it? You will gain this knowledge during the official celebrations, so it’s definitely worth your time.
  • Join international celebrations – Each year, some countries organize international celebrations. Egypt, China, Ghana or Peru – all of them offer unique trips and many admission-free attractions, such as amusement parks, theaters and cinemas.
  • Research tourism on your own – You may, for instance, celebrate the 2023 World Tourism Day by reading about the most popular tourist countries, such as China. Or, perhaps, you may analyze some statistics concerning tourism around the world? This holiday is supposed to have an educational function, so if you don’t really want to go anywhere, just get down to your research and learn something new.
  • Plan your next summer vacations – Finally, you can focus on supporting tourism in the most typical way – by planning your next vacations. Choose a country that you desire to visit, find out what attractions and monuments you may find there, and get down to planning.

The Takeaway

So, are you ready for the 2023 World Tourist Day? You know when it is, you know what it’s all about, and you know how to celebrate it – you just need to choose your option.

Did you like this article? You can also read about a different holiday hosted in September – the International Day of Charity.