Paris, Nice, Marseille, Lyon—all of these cities are well-known for their tourist attractions and lure hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. However, they are not all this country has to offer. Many beautiful gems lay hidden in France, waiting to be discovered by more keen tourists. What are they? Find it out in this article!

Hidden Gems: Our 5 Most Beautiful Villages and Natural Landscapes in France

So, which hidden gems in France should you map out when planning your next trip? Here are some of the best (in our opinion) lesser-known tourist destinations in France:

Mont Saint-Michel

Located on a small island in the Mont Saint-Michel Bay, this beautiful destination offers you a mix of different experiences. From charming natural landscapes and dramatic, tidal surroundings to narrow streets, a stunning abbey, and a breathtaking view from its peak. You should absolutely add visiting Mont Saint-Michel to your bucket list!


Mougins deserves to be among the most beautiful villages in France…but it should also be named one of the most welcoming ones. Located in the southern part of the country, this gem is known mostly for its charming streets filled with boutiques, art galleries, and gourmet restaurants. It also has some historic sites and a museum for them, so it’s the perfect place both for a couple’s adventure and for some casual sightseeing!


Following with yet another hidden gem, the name of which starts with “M,” we have Menton—a small town on the southern coast of France, near the Italian border. The town is a beautiful mix of colors and cultures, with French and Italian influences intermingling. It offers a cozy beach for its visitors and a lot to see—don’t miss the pastel-colored Old Town!

most beautiful villages in France

Palais Idéal

If you’re looking for a historic hidden gem in France, we highly recommend Palais Idéal. Built by a French postman, Ferdinand Cheval, this building is a wonderful example of primitivism at its peak. The palace often holds exhibits or concerts, which add to the overall experience, so it might be a good idea to check its official website and see what is planned for the day of your visit.

Eguisheim and Riquewihr

If you are looking for a true medieval village in France, a charming gem that looks just like medieval paintings or movies, then you must visit Eguisheim. You can complement your visit with a glass of wine since the town is located in the Alsace region, well-known for its wineries and vineyards.

The same goes for yet another underrated town in France: Riquewihr. Located just a few miles north of Eguisheim, it will amaze you with the same architecture and well-preserved, colorful, half-timbered houses.

Discover Hidden Gems in France with YouMap

Our social mapping app, YouMap, enables you to do lots of things—for instance, create your own maps or view maps made by other users. What does it mean regarding your trip? You can find the perfect holiday destinations in France there on maps dedicated to off-beaten-path sightseeing. Thus, download our app, log in, find the maps you need, and be sure to comment and add your hidden gems to the list—share your French discoveries with fellow travelers!

🗺️See France’s hidden gems map🗺️

The Takeaway

There are quite a few hidden gems in France, and the above is just a selection of our favorite ones. When traveling to this country, be sure to search for all of them with YouMap and also to…speak with the locals. They will often know what beautiful landscapes and towns lie hidden from tourists’ eyes and might help you uncover and enjoy them!

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