While traveling is wonderful, planning a fabulous trip might often be a challenge. From booking accommodations and transportation to deciding on what to see – the number of details that you need to cover is enormous. There are, thankfully, some tools that can aid you, namely applications. But only the best ones will really come in handy. So, which social media apps are the best for travelers? Let’s take a look at our list!

Our best social media apps for travelers

Check our list of the best social media platforms and apps for travelers and see how you can enhance your trips with them!


YouMap is designed for creating social maps and sharing them with other users. It comes with an award-winning, foolproof interface and a number of features:

  • Customizable, user-generated maps
  • Map view focusing on a particular topic
  • Detailed information about each location, with user-generated reviews, comments and descriptions
  • Privacy settings, which enable you to decide who can view your maps
  • Collaboration – moderation and map creation can be done by collaborating with other users
  • Photo and data import

As such, YouMap is a great application both for planning a trip and recording it. By viewing other users’ maps, you can also find inspiration for your own plans. You can verify every place by reading the reviews and comments, access photos taken directly by other travelers just like you, and search for certain types of locations such as, for instance, vegan restaurants or nightclubs.

The collaboration mode is great for planning a group trip. You can create a social map together, where every member of the group will be able to add their own suggestions for the places to see. This will make communication much easier, and we all know how difficult planning a group trip often is.

As you can see, YouMap is versatile, which makes it one of the best social media Apps for travelers. YouMap for iOS is free, so you can download it and see for yourself why this is the best app for travel planning.

social media app for travellers


Travello is a social media app purely for travelers, as its name suggests. This is a great application which connects like-minded people and enables them to exchange the experience from their journeys and share photos.

In Travello you can talk to fellow travelers but also find inspirations – your feed will be filled with photos from other people’s journeys, so you might find an idea for your next destination just from checking it. What is more, you can contact the person who posted the photos directly and ask for tips regarding the locations, so if you don’t know where you want to travel, this might be an app for you.


Similarly to Travello, the name of the app speaks for itself. Couchsurfing is an app to find places to sleep for free, but also to get to know people around the world. So if you desire an adventure and crashing on a stranger’s couch is part of it, or simply want to meet some locals, Couchsurfing will do the job.

The takeaway

YouMap, Travello and Couchsurfing are in our opinion among the best social media apps for travelers. They will help you plan your trip, meet fellow travelers and locals, or even find accommodation. By using them, you can do without the typical stress of travel planning.

Did you like this article? If yes, check our general list of the top 10 travel apps.