Everything comes to an end someday, and so is with the summer of 2023. It’s time to put away your swimming trunks and sunglasses while preparing umbrellas and raincoats. For many, the start of fall signifies the end of vacations, but it is actually a new chapter in the book of seasons – a wonderful time with many activities and adventures awaiting. So, when is the official start of fall 2023, and what can you do to celebrate it? We’re going to tell you this, and more, in this article – enjoy!

When Does the Season of Fall Start?

To begin with, let’s talk about the start of fall 2023. The season starts on Saturday, 23rd of September. This date is not accidental – it is the time of the autumn equinox (also called the September equinox).

The autumn equinox, similarly to the spring equinox, is the day when the sun is directly above the equator. During that time, the lengths of day and night are equal, marking the ideal middle point between the longest day in the year (summer solstice) and the shortest one (winter solstice).

How Does the World Celebrate the Fall Season Starting?

Knowing when is the official start of the fall season, and before proceeding to the best autumn plans to celebrate it, let’s take a look at how it is done in different cultures. There are numerous fall start traditions worth exploring, so we’ve chosen the most interesting ones for you.

  • Dożynki (Harvest Festival) – This is a Slavic tradition that you may observe in Poland. Initially, it consisted of merry festivities celebrating the end of the harvest season – hard work – and indicating time to rest. Nowadays, the celebrations include concerts and fairs with numerous handcrafts on display. The main element that remained throughout the ages is the slogan “What you sow, you reap”.
  • Mabon – Celebrated in the UK, Mabon is an ancient pagan tradition similar to Polish Dożynki. The people gather to express thankfulness for the summer and to acknowledge the upcoming winter. One of the most intriguing customs is building altars from the harvested products: fruits and vegetables. Some people take the celebrations even further and gather at Stonehenge to observe the fall equinox sunrise.
  • The Moon Festival – We should also mention the Chinese and Vietnamese fall start celebrations, called the Moon Festival. Unlike the previous two, they are not held on the September equinox, but on a full moon which is the closest to it. During the Moon Festival, people gift each other mooncakes and light lanterns together, while appreciating the view of the moon.

start of fall

What Can You Do to Celebrate the Start of Fall 2023?

There are many fall activities that will be ideal for the September equinox. You may try looking for local, traditional celebrations, or opt for something completely different or even recreate the customs from around the world. What do we suggest?

  • Watch the fall equinox sunrise – You might not be able to reach Stonehenge, but this shouldn’t stop you – choose a similarly significant location near you. It’s going to be an unforgettable experience.
  • Invite your friends to a themed party – Get your friends together, organize a party and include elements of one of the foreign start of fall celebrations. Maybe you like it Dożynki-styled, or perhaps the Moon Festival is your way to go?
  • Attend local start of fall events – Find out what’s happening near you and join one of the celebrations. Don’t know where to look for them? Try YouMap, our social mapping app, and search through the fall start event maps prepared by other users!

The Takeaway

The start of fall 2023 takes place on the 23rd of September. It is celebrated all over the world, but the customs and traditions vary among different countries. Try celebrating it yourself and bid a final farewell to summer.

The end of summer doesn’t mean a halt to your travels? Then check out our article on the best places to travel in the fall!