Promoting a small business locally is often a challenge. But it’s also an opportunity to gain an advantage over the competition. To make use of this fully and turn this obstacle into a driving factor for your company, you need to use innovative solutions, like apps for small businesses. YouMap is one of them.

How Does It Work?

YouMap is a social mapping app that you can use for various purposes in your business. You can treat it as a hub for your logistic operations, utilize it for contact with vendors or even find ways to promote your business through it. All you have to do is create your own maps, or be active on other user’s ones.

How can you use maps for your small business? For instance, you can increase your visibility by placing your store or restaurant on publicly open, collaborative maps. You can also organize local events and create a map for them, showing your innovative approach and encouraging your potential customers to share the map and spread the news.

maps for small business owners

Why Is YouMap One of the Best Apps for Small Business Owners?

Maps can be extremely useful for local marketing. But why should you use YouMap to create and manage them? Here are a few reasons:

  • Networking and collaboration – with YouMap, you can meet other small business owners in your area, exchange knowledge and experience, or even collaborate on larger marketing projects.
  • Increasing visibility – your online presence is one of the main driving factors for your business. With YouMap, you can increase your visibility by being present on local maps, especially those created by your target audience.
  • Customer engagement – YouMap is more than a tool for creating maps; it’s a social platform that uses maps as its canvas. It enables users to exchange their thoughts in the comments section under each location, which drives their engagement and encourages people to visit your premises.
  • On-map planning – you can use maps for planning your small business operations. This way, you’ll have all the information available to you in one place. You might also contact your vendors through YouMap.
  • Standing out – one of the main challenges for small businesses is competing with the biggest players in their industry. Providing your customers with customized, interactive maps made in YouMap that help them reach your business or promote your events is what will make you stand out when compared to the largest competitors.

Start Promoting Your Small Business Locally with Maps

Don’t wait – download YouMap and explore all the possibilities that come with maps for your small business! Also, read our expert advice on how to promote your business locally!