With the start of January, many of us make plans to improve our lives. Unfortunately, we frequently don’t have the right strategy to make them stick. How to keep your New Year’s resolutions and stay motivated throughout 2023? Keep reading to make this year special and abundant with positive changes.

What are the popular New Year’s resolutions?

As the New Year approaches, many people make plans to improve their lives. Some of the most popular resolutions include:

  • Eat healthier
  • Exercise regularly
  • Spend more time with family
  • Save money
  • Learn a new skill or hobby
  • Get organized
  • Quit smoking or drink less alcohol
  • Travel more

Unfortunately, it frequently turns out that we don’t have enough willpower to make these resolutions last. So, how to keep New Year’s resolutions? Follow the tips below.

How to stick to your New Year’s resolutions? 9 tips

New Year is a great opportunity to change our lives for the better and implement healthy habits. However, in order to stick to the resolutions we need not only good willpower and motivation, but also the right strategy. What should you focus on to succeed in 2023?

  • Set SMART goals – your resolutions should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will help you stay on track and measure your progress.
  • Get organized – make a plan of action and break down each resolution into smaller chunks. This will help you slowly move forward and keep your motivation high.
  • Measure progress – keeping track of the progress is a great way to stay motivated and reach the goal. Use the calendar and daily checklists, or write in a journal. This will make you feel more accountable and will also allow you to appreciate and acknowledge your successes.
  • How to keep your New Years resolutions? Measure progress
  • Use social maps like YouMap – it’s a great tool to search for inspiration and join like-minded communities. With its use, you can share your successes and failures with a friend, family member, or group who will support and encourage you. It can be very helpful to have a support system and stay accountable.
  • Create the right environment how to keep your New Year’s resolutions? Surround yourself with reminders and triggers that will help you stick to the resolutions. Put an inspiring quote on your wall, and download apps that will remind you of your goals. You can also tell others about your plans. Being aware that they’ll know about your potential failures may motivate you to try harder.
  • Reward yourself – celebrating small successes is a great way to stay motivated and keep going. Give yourself a reward for a job well done, but make sure it doesn’t interfere with your goals.
  • Be flexible – life is unpredictable and sometimes plans don’t go as expected. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you make a mistake or experience a setback. The important thing is to keep going and don’t give up.
  • Be kind to yourself – don’t be too hard on yourself and remind yourself that you are capable of achieving your goals. Take breaks and don’t forget to relax. Even if you fail today, you can start again tomorrow.
  • Visualize successhow to stay motivated to stick to your New Year’s resolutions? Imagine yourself achieving the goal. This will give you an idea of what success looks like and will help you stay motivated.

The takeaway

How to keep your New Year’s resolutions? Fresh plans and resolutions are a great way to start the year off on the right foot, but if you don’t take the necessary steps to stick to them, they’re likely to fail. Hopefully, the tips in this article will help you make progress and succeed in 2023.

Need more inspiration and like-minded people? Download YouMap and join communities of enthusiasts of New Year’s resolutions.